希望您找到我的时候,已经对于养猫以及布偶猫这一品种有了基本了解,感谢您看完我的介绍。我们的布偶猫位于美丽的天使之城-Los Angeles.猫舍名字注册TICA(
Ragdollijsweeti) CFA(Ragdollijsweeti),所有猫以及后代都带有tica,cfa 证书。我们所有的种貓FeLV/FIV/HCM/PKD检测均为阴性。拥有冠军优质基因。Ragdollisweet猫舍繁殖人是Jessica xu。所有的猫爸爸猫妈妈来自欧洲、美国赛级冠军。是Jessicaxu和几名有名的布偶猫繁育比赛者全世界探索顶尖质量选中的猫繁育。我们的目标是繁育顶尖血统的正统赛级宝宝。(根据毛量、骨骼、眼睛、耳位、血统、前肢后驱等进行)我们繁育甜美、可爱、活泼、健康。结合猫狗优点。所有的猫咪是与我们生活在一起。是我的掌上明珠、我们的家人。更是我们的孩子。
I hope you find a basic understanding of the Ragdoll breed when you find me. Our Ragdollis are located in the beautiful City of Angels - Los Angeles. The cats are registered in the name of Ragdolljsweeti. All cats and posterity have a TICA & CFA certificate. All our breeding cats have been tested negative for FeLV/FIV/HCM/PKD and high quality genes. The Ragdollisweeti cat breeder is Jessica Xu. All cats are from European and American championships. Jessica Xu and a couple of famous breeders who have been exploring the best quality of cats in the world. Our goal is to breed a race of top breeds (according to the amount of hair, bones, eyes, ears, blood, and hindquarters). Our breeds are sweet, lovely, lively and healthy. They combine the advantages of Cats and Dogs. All cats live with us. It is the apple of my eye, our family. Even more of our children.
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